Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Quidditch the Mortal/Muggle Game of Occult Ceremonial Arts

As most will find Magic(k) always finds a Way...

On Colleges and Campus's around the world they are playing the game of Rough Cut, better known as Muggle Quidditch....

Is Quidditch a real game of Ancient Mindsets, no... but Rough Cut was... is... but lets stick to Quidditch awareness shall we.....

First of all i want to say it is a great game, second i want to say there is more to it then will ever meet the eye, and i feel in the year 2014-19 it could become a very futuristic sport... (volley) any

--------------------------------------------------quidditch, the secrets...

I believe she made up the name, its not a real sport in any time, and as a wizard i would know our games.... quid (is money) and ditch (a place to play/ pitch) the art of quidditch is played like the art of ceremonial magick... (broom (thats merely a witch imagery, but for us wizards just say conveyance) the broom is like a sword and used as a jousting tool "in witchcraft ..a real design, women and men put the reversed handle of a broom under them and rode around in a circle, ..remember the "toy horse",

as knights of old... ok, now on to the better stuff... reversed again it becomes a sword for the knight to wield... while trying to capture a prize (a person riding this horse with sword in hand, can then collect and protect the treasure (the scoring ball quaffle ) i think she got this word as well from "waffling" in quidditch (qu-affle) ok, with the scoring device you now can make your move beyond the knight of the other team, (the scoring rings) are the 3 ceremonial arts of magick... and how you score is how your aware of your art... "hows that for slick awareness.." now the blugger is the invisible unseen coming to knock you from the target, no need to help you understand that "to death" usually follows that (ok, now the final... the golden snitch) in ancient terms thats a cheat... to "snitch" and golden means your good at it... (and if you get bonus's in any game, without trying hard, your cheating right?)

What if i told you i could make a broom stick that you could play it like the movie and not have to touch the ground...

Ah, the beaters " Well now... " the beaters are protective guardians determined to help you get your goal done, ever hear of guardian angels....

Welcome to the world of ceremonial a sport....
Enjoy the Ride,

As you get into the higher designs you will find.................................that it isn't a horse no more...

but a DRAGON (click on the image to learn)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Can you Hang with a Wizards Intellect? and Reasoning?

Distinctive Education in the form of Mage Awareness

Magic: Magic for the acolyte is the equivalent of the mages education minus the division of the cultures. For the acolyte study is beyond the mage models system consistency. Magehood in magic has to do with primes such as energy and development of consciousness. Meanwhile the acolyte’s design deals with unconscious variables pertaining to personal will and revealing the character of development of that system or set of divine beings. Example: Magehood – A = B = C = D. Example: Acolyte study – A = B, B = C, or D, or E. C, D, or E could relate to A or B; however, only A or B as applied to the early formula. The subdivision of study is so that the Acolyte can see from al points of view while magehood has to work by a system. Those systems within magehood such as shaman, druid, witch, or occult can have oppositional theologies to that which is magehood in the overall system of that which is magehood, but cannot defy the multi-scope awareness of acolyte based study. Magehood, Magi, Mage, Magus type model systems or other are developed on a sharing of lower or higher ( aka lesser or greater ) education of their prime systems. In service to the will known as acolyte. For they are as a system much higher and more potential accesses to the will of the House. For the acolyte must be like a ghost within their general material beholding to none but the core of their education. Example: Mage – Sun, Moon, Stars. Example: Acolyte – Sun in morning, Sun in afternoon, and Sun at night. Moon in morning, moon in afternoon, and moon at night. Etc. The purpose of the acolyte is to defy reason and to explore the principle behind each object for the greater will of apprentice-hood. For this is the only will they have to be holding to law-wise. For an acolyte’s job is the principle succession of the magehood system to its more defined reasoning ( aka geo-symbolism ) and its general evolution in the will of the ancient cultures and modern representations. For magic within an acolyte system is about its ethereal need and not its physical or primal nature. For an acolyte is not the candle, the flame, or the candle holder but the mirror of these. While magehood is the shadowed example of both sides, the shadow with the mirror and the shadow by the light itself. The system of the acolyte is based in the principles of alchemical nature from vacuum or spatial design to physical matter or universal concepts of our reality. Conceptual physical dynamics, you can go about 1000 ways to bring something into birth, but only a few ways to maintain it.

The Elements:

The elements are a constant guide in any magical system. However they are forces and not physical things. True we see them as physical manifestation of being but our interaction and knowledge of them is based in the ethereal, astral, special, and temporal. For it is here they begin to serve the benefit of mage-craft. For the term craft means to weave or to string together, and in any lesser/lower design it is a simplistic connection. Having to do with mock references to non-symbolic or basic awareness of the heart of the culture/cultural model from which magehood stands exempt. Magehood is the complete elemental awareness of the forces attributed by symbolism. Channeled through different cultures or distinctive cultures that served in reference to said elements or elementals. As a mage we can arbitrarily throw these principles to the side in the higher pursuit of self defining principles of their use within a core based system in lew of the lesser design that houses more theory than example. For a mage, magi, magus in defining your placement as such, you are ever in search of the keys that represent the completion of the elemental powers in all three fields of their being ( mind, body, and spirit ). All must be defined as equal or in the state of creating equality. Otherwise the principle of the magic defined above becomes mute and useless. For in the higher design, the goal of the elemental chain is tri-squared, meaning 3 and 4. Three for yourself, four for your reality. In the acolyte study the elements act as a bridge. Using geo-symbolism the magehood placemat becomes a record of ones developing presence in the universe as they are accepted. It is here we are referred back to that mirror or shadowed image of magehood. In these above, below, within, and around conceptual identities, the acolyte must act as judge. Defining the lesser will, but becoming the critic of the higher will ( as in, where is it going, not where it has been). Only in reference to another acolyte can you define the differences and within the self of that law. The acolyte self is judge, jury, and executioner of the hierarchy towards the greater models of each system. True they have a lot to learn within the art of wizardry, but they are deemed apprentice of every level. They are the hidden voice of why should one be moved into another. Without the referencing to the will of the dragon, for nothing defies the will of the dragon but time. However, as a wizard, you may get leeway. For the dragon is the acolyte’s acolyte.


Rules of the Acolyte defined by Self (These are more attributes than they are rules.)
1. Self sacrifice. An acolyte must look at others as equals toward their own design. An acolyte may not judge unless moving the nature of the person is required.
2. An acolyte must show generosity even when generosity is in short supply.
3. An acolyte must not judge religions or religious thought. Only the theology that holds that thought in place.
4. An acolyte is not to be served by others. Only dragons may serve the acolyte. Acolytes serve others.
5. An acolyte must be generous with knowledge, but hold their horde back against stupidity. For stupidity is the overpowering of ego to express what is not there, not the lack of knowledge.
Life and Death
For the beginning of known creation and the models of self evolution. The principle of the veil between life and death has been maintained and disrupted by those underlying principles of occult theology. For the principles of magehood are about the bardo. It is the mirror of the spirit world looking back upon the traveler within. The education to this world, don’t let it fool you, is vast. As we present ourselves to the world between life and death, speaking in term of magehood, mage, magi, magus, magiestery we learn to harness our emotions, mental states, an hypnotic connections to the mental bridge. For unless you are afflicted with the world of the dead at mental bridge. For unless you are afflicted with the world of the dead at your shoulders, in magehood we fight our way in. For we are not merely just observers, but travelers within this empty madness. For unlike the others who will not experience the full magnitude of this world, we within our scope of discover map its very matrix. Don’t let anything fool you, for it is an empty world of enticing empty splendor, and your very body will cheat life in order to go there. But that’s the trap, that’s the hold of the invisible tentacle that snares your living soul. In this world you are merely an observer, you may do what you like, however it may not have any effect on the changes of time and space. For it is a veil behind a veil. Only behind the second veil will you start to see what I mean. Respect your journey, respect your right to be there, humble yourself before death itself, and you may earn a friend instead of an enemy. Death is no one’s enemy, even if he says he is. He is only testing your resolve, because with his friendship and connections in that world we can make changes in our physical world. Giving opportunity where others would not have opportunity, and paying back unjust acts. For death is in-discriminative, but by the forces around you, makes you a bit more difficult to be indiscriminate to. Then he will be decisive instead of in-discriminative. In magic there is a such thing as the bridge of immortality. However the goal of such a glory involves giving up of one’s true identity.
Within the lesser designs, life and death for the these models (druid, shaman, witch, etc.) is about exploring it in reference to the living. Creating a mirror but not transcending it. Celebrating the power and beauty of all existence as it lives, passes on knowledge, and dies. By the will of that which is the greater designs will the shaman, druid, witch gain a sense of immortality. Or serve in the back pocket of a greater deity or being. It is true you can take from spatial beings, copy their magic, their power, their abilities to do things unhuman-like. However it will never be in master and slave format. For any service to something ethereal, cosmic, or other is a personal acceptance before your even accepted. You are inflicted with dreams, thoughts, conscious awareness, and visitors of the shadow world about. For it is the mirror of this world that is calling to you, as a practitioner of all of the traits we have discussed (magic, elements, and self). In such lesser designs, lesser by no means meaning limited, it is only restricted for a bit until a consciousness or skills have been built. Like building a train set: tracks, train, buildings, then forgetting the electricity or battery or other mans of making the system motive. For the lesser design is about observation, not participation. It is an infliction that draws the person or element into action. For anything that is made on a physical level, wither it is symbolically charged or not sends ripples into the higher designs to ask why.


The essence of awareness in the form of awakening. Being is not be-ing. It is beginning in how to be. When anything begins it has to have a blueprint, a model a design a proto-type. This is achieved by the unseen will, to identify itself as a certain standard by an educated sense of genius or ingenuity. In ancient times, one was chosen their profession. You did not have a choice, and your name went accordingly. As one became more capable in said trade, not necessarily the one they were born, their value changes. This is the understanding of potential nature. In magic we all seek our potential nature, not our birth nature. It is here we are reborn into the world that will be our potential. For being means to apply, to supplement one’s self to. A thousand years could pass and you would be no smarter than a grain of corn. But give a different location you could rule the world in a day. Others think this is born into them, others meaning outsiders who disagree with magical applications. For they are too busy living in the accolades of what they think they know verses what they could know. Leave these people to their own devices, for they will never become, until they’re touched by that dream. As a mage you are not here to recruit others or teach others the way of the art, unless their scope pierces that mirror. You are to accept criticism, theology, sciences, an laugh in their face. For you are the potential and not the being as in birth right. Time will prove you true, and them lost. Which is greater, the word or the maker of the word. The answer is obvious, the creator of something can never own its creation, there will always be something or someone that has outreached the pattern that has been created. True something had to create the word but what if I told you the word was in response to a grander word that has already been there, just assimilated differently. Magehood is about tapping into that ancient word, and seeing the wizard behind the veil. Because even if you disagree with their methods, conscious values, image, they are the first of the first. And as long as time is counted, they will be the last of the last. An ancient saying goes, “Truth is subjective, when it has nothing to be measured by.” Interpretation: debate. Truth is only subjective when it has nothing to be measured by. For it is here we begin to validate purpose. Magical systems are indeterminate of psychological, theological questioning. For any form of education must have a standard reference. Psychology, theology, and debate are self defining individualism because they can’t handle the fear of being intolerant. For as a being, our goal in life is subjected by the will around us. Mental intellectualism and freedoms of self genius without the regard to the scope of ancient wisdom creates potential morons out of self made gods. There is another old saying, “Those that don’t learn from the past are thereby made to recreate it.” This is one of the highest models of intuitive magehood thinking. True we can not think like another automatically, but that doesn’t mean energy based communication does not perform its task in revealing the core source of one’s potential being.

Utilizing what you just learned, the lesser design or lower design is inherent in trying to produce the potential being from the blood born being to cultivate its altruistic nature and not its sides. Mind you this is done still in a fact finding and a personal matter without regard to full emotional persuasion or permissiveness. For it is the goal of the lesser design to bend, but not in the sacrifice of individual reality or consciousness. It chooses the role of guide to serve as an example of what is possible. In an act of a reality based experiment, for its systems of being. The lesser is to absorb from the higher design or greater to teach itself. In the sense of being no lesser or higher design is greater, though you could debate that until the cows come home. Its all in one’s sense of gravitation and self permissive nature to be giving to one’s self the right to study either way or a third known as both. For as above is the mirror of as below. As below the mirror of as above. As within the mirror as without. To study its mirror is to gain its reality. (Example: Study as below and gain as above. Study as above and gain as below, etc and visa versa.) For it is a water like complement or reflective surface which our whole being is aware of. But our unconscious ego prefers to touch first.

Monday, November 15, 2010

do you want to see why there are few like us.... look at what you study my friends

the Elements
the Self
Life and Death




Stone Druid
1. fire of temptation
2. time and space
3 the stones of transformation and prophecy
4. the gateway of the body
5. the witches truth
6 the guardian of the seasons
7 the temple of the sun and moon
8 the keys
9 the token of Charon
10 the walls of reading
11 the passage of the first druid
12 heaven and hell
13 how to leave this message
14 the context of man and woman
15 the runi
16 Times messenger
17 the arch
18 your oath as a druid of stone
19 the dragon
20 welcome

fire the string
water the post
earth the season
air the one whom is called
spirit the candle

light the message
shadow the strength
form and shape the words
rotation the answers offered

sygil the power
wording the key
token the times to come
forces the name

Like this here is why Paganism, Wiccan, and Shaman Eclectic are still on (Fae Time) and not in any scope of the Universal.........
This before you is a basic exam of a wiccan/shaman(modern) form of question and answer......(you will learn something however it won't be magic(k) as in the reason you came to see they mystery of WHY) and how it refers to you...

1. Who are the Guardians?

2. What are the Three Selves? *

3. What are Faerie Gifts? How do you receive them? 4. Why are our rituals sometimes Creative and Eclectic and sometimes those which have have been passed down by our elders?

5. What are Invocations?*

6. What is Trance-Possession?

7. What is a shamanistic experience?

8. What is sexual mysticism?*

9. How do we invoke the Gods of nature into ourselves and become those same Gods and Goddesses.

10. Why does Dynion Mwyn make use of the trance state in performing rituals?

11. Why are some of our rituals performed using the Welsh Language?

12. What is Bardic Creativity?

This before you is a basic exam of a wiccan/shaman(modern) form of question and answer......(you will learn something however it won't be magic(k) as in the reason you came to see they mystery of WHY) and how it refers to you...

13. What are The Mysteries?*

14. How does Love, Knowledge and Power figure into our philosophy?

15. What is the connection between the spiritual and mystical mystery, sexual ecstasy, and direct communication with divinity?

16. Why is it important that Dynion mwyn have an Initiatory Linage?

17. Why is polarity of importance in Magick?

18. What are the notable characteristics of the Faerie Faith?

19. What is shape shifting?

20. What is The Warrior Ethic?

21. What is the Blue Flame?*

22. Who are the Ancient Faeries?

23. What are the Otherworlds?

(The ones i place a star against are the ones worthy of Mage to Shaman of the Ancient mind)

so learning is half and half.......and being is whole


Alchemy has been the expression of the development of the material substance world and the factors that drive the gas to liquid type event.....

(Taken from the development of a basic understand of a modern book this is the message it accepts)

Alchemy is called the Royal Art (Ars Regia). Of this there are three basic types.

These are Artisinal Alchemy, the Outward Work; Mystical Alchemy, the Inward

Work; and Sexual Alchemy, which, after a certain manner, partakes of both these

methods of attainment. Artisinal Alchemy is dedicated to producing the "

" of material splendor, whereas Mystical Alchemy is dedicated to producing

the "
internal gold" of spiritual splendor. In either case, the actual object of the

Great Work is one: to manufacture the Stone of the Philosophers. It is with this

stone that the Alchemist performs his transmutations, whether such be spiritual or

material in kind.

(With new eyes i would like to show you the golden door and key that this message can only begin to reveal....)


Alchemy is called the Art of the True (Al-Ckem- y) Al from the Alpha (god) chem (claim) and Y (why) as in being... Alchemy was positioned as the understanding design to the nature of the tree of life and was actually a much younger art then it was said to be born as....until your talking basic tools.... Of this there are three basic types.

These are Propose or (Prose) Alchemy, the Outward Work (i like to call it the Divine); Mystical (self material) Alchemy, the Inward

Work; and Sexual (combined) Alchemy, which, after a certain manner, partakes of both these

methods of attainment. Proposed (prose) Alchemy is dedicated to producing the "

" of material splendor, whereas Mystical (self mastery) Alchemy is dedicated to producing

the "
internal gold" of spiritual splendor. In either case, the actual object of the

Great Work is one: to manufacturer Teach the Stone of the Philosophers. (which to most was more not true then true when it came to the physical transformation but on layers alone and not the All they sought.... It is with this stone that the Alchemist performs his transmutations, whether such be spiritual or material in kind.

(however in the modern message the philosophy of the stone taken as the secret word and method...then anything true or complete..because that would defy their own grand design to read such a message)

So only those who was outside its workings would ever learn the key...but to get outside you have to be forged inside....

(like red metal teaches you tempering, and yellow teaches you breaking point....they seek only to temper and not to face the the yellow..)

if you want the golden mirror then great take it.....freely...

but if you want the door or the key.... don't expect the mirror to be all you need..........



2 is to 5 as 4 is to 1 but 6 is to 2 as 5 is to 9 and if you add 10 and leave out 8 you get 2 3's.... but to walk the door you need to have 2 4's equal 7

Schools of today are founded in the wisdom of the magickal designs shall i show you:

science: alchemy
astrology: scrying and omens
history: theology and symbolism mythos
art: applicational magicks
math: (geo-numerology)
building skills (trades) : geo-psycho-empathic arts
geometry: herbal mixtures and symbolism
language arts: (lol) ancient symbology

for almost every study we done it first and for the right reason......will you?

9 steps, 7 rules, and 5 secrets, 4 doors and 3 ways up..

Levels and awareness paths:

1. neophyte: beginning to understand the symbolism
2. adept: the ones with the sight and the curses
3. neo-adept: the pattern learner and the records
4. magi: the one who has the light
5. magus: user of the tomb and the earth
6. necron: student of the after being
7. arch: highest secret title of natured witch and often taken token of a druid priest
8. Full moon: (secret skill of the dark or complete gypsy witch)
9. Witch: general naming of a student (mainly female) of the penta and elements
10. Guardian: token title to the one who acts as the protective force about an area or person...
11. Sagnum (mixed title for a sage with mage wisdom)
12. Occultist: mainly a player in the world of the exchanges of occult material
13. Occult Magus: a magus that acts in the workings of occult theory
14. Adept Magiester: a magiester that has completed their road and are ready to move on..
15. magiester(y) : mastery of the simple natures of the unseen (and much more)
16. tempest: a very well skilled freestyle system of witchery or sagehood
17. Sage: much like the sagnum but this time with the library of their worth....
18. (druid would be here but that's would be more in the external magick and not internal)
19. junior or student wizard ( accepted to study wizardry by a teacher in this art )
20. wizard.. (general title to one whom is complete in all the arts required to study basic wizardry)
21. Full wizard.. a more flexible example of a complete wizard who has experiences in practice as well as different culture rituals and mixed skills

to know: is to be wise (but the wise share) so they can't fully be silent
[12:00 PM]: to dare: is to press others buttons to know, so you just aren't silent as well
[12:00 PM]: to keep silent was to protect you from outward danger, not to prove your wise in knowing
[12:01 PM]: sadly the Cm's of the world use it to justify non investigation of the self's wisdom
[12:02 PM]: meaning i won't judge you if you don't judge me.. (but to find the truth we all must do a form of judgment)

Thelemic is the new paganism of the occult tools and ceremonial design, and Crowley had the honor of bringing it to bear....

Reformed or not, its more Shemhemphorah then (Mylix ain adoph Sephorathothus) and more kan then kempha....

But well the rare is rare.... (Metron or Minerva)

aton, de-mon, or omegan, the pattern is Evident

the 5 is 6 and the 4 is 2 hope that helps: numerology counts or your just a 7

"In the beginning the known universe was complete free of extra versions or dimensions of space and time it shared it harmony as one and came upon the greatest known secrets of life.Ie; energy, as in the dynamics of being and connection to earth material sources"



















2.Arch druid

3.Lost soul


Consecrating Other Working Tools



2.Young Druid


4. Magus

5. Tree Spirit

Powers: Powers granted to vodouists (practitioners of Vodou) primarily come from two sources; Gris Gris, and the Loas.

Gris Gris: Also known as hoodoo, gris gris is all the foci-based minor magical powers attributed to vodou "witch-doctors." It operates on the principle of sympathetic magic: what is done to part of a person affects all of that person. Spells range from good-luck charms to protective talismans, from love potions to the so-called voodoo doll. They rarely take much effort to create - only the proper materials and expertise.

Voodoo: the alchemical mixture of symbol and ingredients to create a form of freewilled power and to open the wall of perception into the world of the unseen lore.....(both good and bad uses)

Voodou: Religion used by the modern mixture of voodoo and shamanism to create a version of ethereal white magic(k) more just transient and self healing, this form is as powerful as its original but uses less tools and a social circle of others....(next kin, Santeria)

Voodal/vodal : The moral info on the design of a certain culture of magic(k) mainly esoteric based....

Santerian : (Is a mixure of shaman and mexican voodou) "Sante:Saint" "Tera" Earth/mother" (Teresa)

The symbols of voodoo are place on the 9, 11 and the 7 higher and lower powers, and the intermixing of the loa....

Tbon ange (Is the highest of all the legba powers given to an Shango/Booker or a Da Leg niba loa )

The lotus : in the beginning nun was the fountain from which all like came, with geb her consort she created the powers of living the secrets of these play a big part in their rituals....

The 4 tables : from your bread will you share in the fruits of this life and the lives to come, is the trademark of this ritual,

the pharo-s : The birth of one given seating at the table of the gods, Anubis walks with him through the hall of judgment to the temple of Horus and there he sits in the sun and inscribes the eye and words of wisdom, before his trial by fire begins....

The priest ritual of the gods (death beetle)
: magic(k) to the Egyptians was quit common, so it was thought of as dirt is thought of on ones feet, the ritual is but a sermon to plead the powers to the priest to honor the great book, the great book being the book of THOTH, in it is the promise of the powers if you prove yourself, by the 4
tables (the first kabbalah)

The Book of Making (a massage ritual)
designed for the temple of her and the sisters of her, it is the way of evoking in the purest of all the powers of dreams and death, and in it is also a ritual that if you was ready could preserve your living essence
but you would then share it with a (nu-t) a guardian of the spirit, however this ritual was regarded as a fake, it was done quite often by the wisest of travelers, said to have come from the stars.....

In Each book is 5 rituals, and though they serve magic(k) they aren't labeled witchcraft or any other faith/belief or factual unit....

I love the Egyptian culture because they had no fear over the un-known
because it came to visit on a continual bases.....


Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Art of Magick and Awareness

As one enters into the mysteries, they begin to walk in the energy and awareness of the universal fields..

the universal field is the standard from which a form of educational base begins it is the symbolism and symphonic harmony that creates the beginning blocks in the higher mindset.....

let me try and explain, though you won't get the full understanding until your within the lessons, the process is to find the greater values in the designs put before us, they are the methods from which we define the education and set the tone for study... the process is easy as it is a visible study of objects we see and know in our reality, however as we advance in our awareness of things, we begin to explore the union of the unseen.. a pattern of design based beyond the limits of this known reality and onward to the road of the enlightened will.... for this is what one must express as they venture into the unseen world and tools to this design...

It is here the written world is just beginning to understand and take apart what it denies, but the more it fights the unseen, the more it will not see it.. and that is what we are here to serve, the hidden messages beyond the written world and word... but not to separate the will and understanding but to bring them into the awareness they fear.....

Yes, the modern world needs coupled evaluation a sense of order and self, and those that fight it are just trying to create their own order as well, just calling it "adversarial" so as to not bring a since of value or skill to what they are just learning as well, in a universe of 3 worlds there will always be only one world that you can visit at a time, even if you perceive and transgress all of them at once...

What is the greater value, to tap, to touch, or to own.....?

As a book is written the instructions are clear, however in a month, a year, two years it changes but yet not resides in the same book, thats why you must as you advance this education begin with a new state of thought, and that is to build on what is... not on what is to be......

To master anything is to reflect on it, and reflect, and reflect.....
not to adapt, create and rename, that just makes it part of itself, true there are those who miss the mark even as masters, but the extent of this message is to honor what seeks us...

The Power, isn't a word, isn't a key, isn't a method, it is a secret that as you get closer to the source you will get closer to the answer....

The Arts and keepers, require any who are to take on these secrets to serve them as their own, to not change or corrupt the teaching of those who had found these mini parts of the greater messages written in ever thing magickal, and doesn't age, doesn't change, and doesn't serve itself...

Magick is the tool in the higher arts as instruments to the planetary educations, some are simple and others difficult....

but here is the road in..... see you at the bridge....

Welcome to the School of Mastery

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To be a student of the arts you can't ask, your invited...

true you seek and are sought but there is more to you then you know,

otherwise why seek, just to feel more aware...??

No, i feel as the saying goes those who are within their own light or darkness know who is within it as well....

Like common animals we want to group, share, learn and then return to being all our own, it is an instinctive nature as well as a social one...

We are not trying to be unsocial, just define the right to have what we have now...
however if you don't have it, and you seek it, then the energy and dedication to it should be your first quest...

YES QUEST, until you are you may feel you belong, but the arts disagree, they say prove to me you belong, not to invalidate your desire or your trust or willingness to accept teaching, but to challenge you to think of why you are worthy, so when you are in this "hot seat" with another you can then say as it is being said to you...

The Ancient world required tokens of your desire, oaths , required rituals of entrance and any REAL study or design has the same faiths, even though knowledge and wisdom and advice is free, you are not free to recieve education.. education is a design or practice to validate the information or invalidate the information/opinion... before you and they who have such teachings even if you pay them, have the right to decide when, not you...

Its always been this way, and if you say... "well its time it changed", FORGET IT
it will never change, it is a process that requires more then it offers in the beginning so get use to it, otherwise get out..or make your own and see it trampled by those who aren't as dedicated as the statement of "requesting it to be free or easier" in your own design...

Education is a path but not the highway, it is the light but not the brake you stop at when your car is ready to move, the journey is the passion to see it not to hold it....

That holding of it comes later as others see it in you and then see why you are where you are and they aren't...

some say to be, but it doesn't matter i will learn it my way and the i will show you.....

"i am still awaiting them to show me!!!"

Learn as you wish, it is a spiritual and and educational system, not an opinion or requirement beyond what you bring to it...

but don't say you want to life a mountain, and then not expect to do the needed training and strength like lessons to do it physically, because here you will do the sweat, tears and if need blood.... to move that mountain...

and those mind intellectuals, play the game and the word programing... but in magick your just a kid with a box of tinker toys, and the sooner you learn this the sooner you can put forth the effort to gain more with that tinker toy and your genius like brain....

Fear, doubt and envy are good here as well, you will see that as you study you will just vanish and be no more if you bring this...

And i love the dark women of power and presence trying to say they are "not willing to do this or that" so much for your darker occult like natures, you are making rules in a book you can only sign into and sign out of... (like it or not its true)....

To be dedicated to something is to learn it, eat it, and suffer within it to an extent, otherwise why want it... why belong to something you want to make the rules within, are you that petty to feel you need to control everything, then become a church...its easier, and requires you to just show up...

The art of anything is about the art not the artist, until they are the art themselves, then the full picture is clear and they can then draw their own vision within the master works, prove this wrong.. true there are natural artist, but they have to be inspired, dream challenged, and even handicapped to see their new work arrive... in these the challenge isn't within the art its within their very soul..

But what am i saying:

you came to your art willing to learn right, not willing to challenge it before you even tried it, and to do as your spirit and oath commanded right?

because to me these are the only ones i ever see years with, sure the others are my friends...
but thats all they are...

7-10 years later they look back and ask me, why didn't i push harder to make them this or that, when i saw their potential.....

Class anyone know that answer?

You said you wanted to know, i said i wanted to show you.............
you said i'm dedicated.... you tried to tell me you was but only if it went this way or that...

Well, now you know it wasn't me who denied you anything....


Now you see i just wanted to give you what you asked for......

As my magus and wizard teacher put it

"to challenge the lesson is to learn a new lesson, not directly what you asked for" but the one your accepting as the only lesson you will accept "rejection"...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The test of Self

Everything is defined in time, even when you want to make it go faster, true my course give you it abit faster but thats olny to show how much you still got to learn, you are made aware by the factors and hard work you do to be worthy of your "passage", get over the i do this, do that and i get crap, or i deserve this.. such thinking is best left to beginners, not experts, as i say if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen,... work is work, dedication is the strength to be dedicated, its an on going factor of self disipline, not the "stress and strain of slavery" ...if you think that and don't respect your lessons they i feel why be there....

The powers, the natures the glory of enlightenment is a passage a maze of self and other personal discoveries, any who are into themselves need not apply...for they will be bored, lose focus, and attack the ongoing training required to be a student of "wizardry".....

In this fast paced world you have 2 choices, to get it right the first time, or to do it over, and, over, and over again, until you do... thats not fair you say... i can just go to any order or design and do as i wish , study as i want, and just be accepted as i will, TRUE... but when your finished with them, compare notes, you will see 100 of them and only one of you or I.....

so they can preach 100 times faster with 100 percent less skill, dedication is like the river turning into a lake it takes time for all that driving water to wear away the earth and clay to make this lake... and once it is then so to will it be looked at differently....

The purpose is set by the work your willing to do, anyone can teach you tricks, but can they show you the meaning of it all...and show you "your person" and what touches on this.. this is the gift and the choice of those who are more then dedicated, they are ACCEPTED by that which they gave over control to and it (Called Back)

Reaction: the nature of why we seek to know, to have, to be... Right?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The mark of the dark witch

It is the common practice of those dedicated to the arts to having markings to show loyalty, inked on in the beginning, but fade as you go, they are burned into the heart and soul of the one who is dedicated to that practice...

Here is one of the 5 dark marks added to the body in ritual to help awaken the self to be ready for the mirror like journey that awaits those who are on their road to discovery...

Don't let this picture fool you, you don't see the other secret natures within, for you here only see a shadow of all that goes into this practice, and only those who by "oath" will see the rest, you can say they are spawn of the devil, succubi, or minions of evil and torment... but they are not... Its easy to try and give bad imagery to something you don't even understand or chosen to accept, to say your more spiritual or godly too... but even you will face this "awakening" as you venture out of the comfort of being told what to do, to the darkness of discovering it yourself...

FREEDOM to find out, is one of the reasons we have self delusional conflicts over stupid ideals, only to later come to the conclusion that we are more alike then most admit....

Sense when have we as "learning and advancing minds" ever not had the right to feel and see and share in the "mysterious world about us", true the modern churches try and protect us from our "sinning" ways, but what is it to sin, if you have no concept other then what they don't allow you to understand, how are you to know left from right if you never stepped that direction....

What is light if you never seen shadow and visa versa, and aren't we a living organism that isn't just one thing, taught this in varying schooling levels and explored in books and media almost every day...

In ancient times temple goddess like messengers was marked as so as well, so as to set up the energy and ritual natures that marked them respected about this world and the worlds unseen...
for they was shown there is more and thereby more to themselves within and outside...

Any who take these type of journeys are the stronger for it, because they aren't into just the games and toy like nature of just living in the moment, but being pulled and assisted and tamed into learning about things others are going to be hunting them down to ask questions by, because they too "unseen" have felt and needed to see in themselves....

What is a dark witch, well darkness is a miss-communication to most who aren't aware its part of natural life, and being witchy within it is to learn how to communicate the right way of seeing within it... (the cat is a great example) its eyes get attuned to the red spectrum "infra red" so it can see more... and not get as easily trapped....

for as i learned and share in the mature private rituals of our design, it is only for those who aren't like everyone else, who want and are called to look into the shadows and who are dedicated to their womanly and secret natures of the spirit....

for they will be the only who can get beyond this simple maze into the art and arms of mastery
of self, and sight....

True males venture here as well, but we are MAGUS, and though we are the keeper of the secrets, they are the pillars they was written on.. "modern world" calls them obelisk......

and what is written as we know in magic(k) is often done.....

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fustrations in the Arts

Study, Study, Study, sure you get information, but do you really get direction?

Do you get to feel and live in the harmony of it, I for one find when you are what you say the road to get to others and materials opens to you....


If it seems to close its because your apart of the reason its happening, hate to make you mad at me, but it has to be said... I find that those who say thy are wanting this or that, but when faced with work/set backs and bad others, they just get angry and then attack those about them, until they find someone or something to agree to...

Saddly i was apart of this mistaken image, If you are what you say and or as dedicated as you seek, then why are you trying to tell the others who wanted you to advance, you know more, do more and show more, unless your willing to actively .... PROVE IT, i know i just got a few enemies with that statement but Really now, aren't you willing to follow until your ready to lead, or are you just to good for your own good....

R E S P E C T, doesn't give you the right to come into a system or design and say your this or that, actively (prove it, and if you are this, then the tide will change)....

it works more like this not like those forgive me, self educational books of ego,

I have for the last 12 years heard nothing but talk and wiccan messages with witchcraft, druid, mage or other hopes, and have over 1,000 friends.... can you get that many if they all think you are nothing..hell no... (even my enemies want to try and be my friends)

My Advice.... lessen your id / ego / eclectic side and just try and learn like the young student you are within, or try and be the charitable example of adeptness that makes others want to give you a gift or APPLE for the teacher...

you need only follow what seeks you, and respond the same, don't give yourself anything your not due, and when denied it.. from others prove it in a message or design, then do as one should...
try and make them see reason, if they can't.. then you have done all you could anyway...


But be a teacher or be a student, don't be an argument that stops you from getting what you wanted, even those with no heart see reason....eventually...

"i like to say in my study messages, and replies", if you can't understand what i am saying, then it isn't meant for you...

(how can i say this?)

WORDS real reasoning can be felt out, like scrabble, it helps you "naturally" to find the words true meaning... if your seeking... I find yes, they are seeking, but no they aren't wanting to learn unless its free or its easy, or it is "speak and spell"......

I find that this is more self focus and not the process of one who wants in,

My past: I was walking home at 4:00am in the morning from a friends home after an argument, i was so mad about nothing, but couldn't see it, after passing a now common place, i met a man "who would eventually be my wizard teacher" but at that time, i am seeing this light outside and feel i need to get a drink.... so i think its open and heard music so.... i go in.. and i see a machine vending type, and i put my money in and it isn't working, that pissed me off again, and so i kicked it, not realizing that in another room was music... and a man came in.. and said, so it got you as well. I said yes, he said let me show you a trick, and holds out his hand and touches the machine, and it vends... "cool huh", he says... i said yeah its my money... i go the drink, and he says... "so not willing to share, huh", i lost my money as well.... he says as well.... i say to him... if we had cups i would share, he says, "thank you"........ and returns to the music in the next room.... as he goes to the doors and opens them, he winks and says he will see me soon...

This is what happens when we just try and share what at times i feel we both might lose instead of gaining, if we are to greedy with our journey and not try and.... live in the moment...

There is more to this story, as you will see... but.... that's another day...

he later told me it wasn't his brand of soda.......

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time are Changing....

Dedication, is it just a word.... sorry if it comes off that i am just being one sided, or egotistical, but i feel that times have changed so much that everyone is making their own rules and not directly respecting what was before.. only adding their name to this or that, instead of reaching out to what should be if your magic(k)al ....reaching back...

Isn't that the purpose we all started in, when we began, its easy to get up in arms and , get mad at others.... that they don't seem to value what is right often in front of them......

As a teacher in the arts, i learned a long time ago, that the process to gaining, has to have some give as well. True to most its only a self defining spiritual path... if it was this then why ask questions, why seek outside yourself, WHY?, Why? why?

The power we seek to know the universe is often right before us. Be aware that life is the struggle and the sight we have is the reward and guidance to the passions that will eventually, teach us everything we hoped.....

my newest poem is based in this.... hope you find what you seek in it....


Gather as the moon grows cold,

It reaching into our soul for warmth,

it reminding us day and night are allotments in time,

reforming who we are by what we seek,

we are forever blind without the sun,

forever lost without the moon and stars,

It never rejected us the wise who believe we rule life,

and yet we die and are no more at the drop of a hat,

Great are we to think we are gods and goddess's within,

but yet not make fruit, quell lands, and live in the silent bliss of ritual orgasmic truth,

I know that we are better then this,

I know they shown us examples to be .....

so you can dance or you can be the fire that dances,

dance, or you can be the water that rages,

dance or you can be the earth that turns to desert,

or we can just dance, and i don't mean dance....

i mean.... be the music to it....
