Dedication, is it just a word.... sorry if it comes off that i am just being one sided, or egotistical, but i feel that times have changed so much that everyone is making their own rules and not directly respecting what was before.. only adding their name to this or that, instead of reaching out to what should be if your magic(k)al ....reaching back...
Isn't that the purpose we all started in, when we began, its easy to get up in arms and , get mad at others.... that they don't seem to value what is right often in front of them......
As a teacher in the arts, i learned a long time ago, that the process to gaining, has to have some give as well. True to most its only a self defining spiritual path... if it was this then why ask questions, why seek outside yourself, WHY?, Why? why?
The power we seek to know the universe is often right before us. Be aware that life is the struggle and the sight we have is the reward and guidance to the passions that will eventually, teach us everything we hoped.....
my newest poem is based in this.... hope you find what you seek in it....
Gather as the moon grows cold,
It reaching into our soul for warmth,
it reminding us day and night are allotments in time,
reforming who we are by what we seek,
we are forever blind without the sun,
forever lost without the moon and stars,
It never rejected us the wise who believe we rule life,
and yet we die and are no more at the drop of a hat,
Great are we to think we are gods and goddess's within,
but yet not make fruit, quell lands, and live in the silent bliss of ritual orgasmic truth,
I know that we are better then this,
I know they shown us examples to be .....
so you can dance or you can be the fire that dances,
dance, or you can be the water that rages,
dance or you can be the earth that turns to desert,
or we can just dance, and i don't mean dance....
i mean.... be the music to it....
If you have a few magickal question, and need some advisement... perhaps you can ask me...