Sunday, July 18, 2010

The test of Self

Everything is defined in time, even when you want to make it go faster, true my course give you it abit faster but thats olny to show how much you still got to learn, you are made aware by the factors and hard work you do to be worthy of your "passage", get over the i do this, do that and i get crap, or i deserve this.. such thinking is best left to beginners, not experts, as i say if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen,... work is work, dedication is the strength to be dedicated, its an on going factor of self disipline, not the "stress and strain of slavery" ...if you think that and don't respect your lessons they i feel why be there....

The powers, the natures the glory of enlightenment is a passage a maze of self and other personal discoveries, any who are into themselves need not apply...for they will be bored, lose focus, and attack the ongoing training required to be a student of "wizardry".....

In this fast paced world you have 2 choices, to get it right the first time, or to do it over, and, over, and over again, until you do... thats not fair you say... i can just go to any order or design and do as i wish , study as i want, and just be accepted as i will, TRUE... but when your finished with them, compare notes, you will see 100 of them and only one of you or I.....

so they can preach 100 times faster with 100 percent less skill, dedication is like the river turning into a lake it takes time for all that driving water to wear away the earth and clay to make this lake... and once it is then so to will it be looked at differently....

The purpose is set by the work your willing to do, anyone can teach you tricks, but can they show you the meaning of it all...and show you "your person" and what touches on this.. this is the gift and the choice of those who are more then dedicated, they are ACCEPTED by that which they gave over control to and it (Called Back)

Reaction: the nature of why we seek to know, to have, to be... Right?

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