Friday, November 26, 2010

Can you Hang with a Wizards Intellect? and Reasoning?

Distinctive Education in the form of Mage Awareness

Magic: Magic for the acolyte is the equivalent of the mages education minus the division of the cultures. For the acolyte study is beyond the mage models system consistency. Magehood in magic has to do with primes such as energy and development of consciousness. Meanwhile the acolyte’s design deals with unconscious variables pertaining to personal will and revealing the character of development of that system or set of divine beings. Example: Magehood – A = B = C = D. Example: Acolyte study – A = B, B = C, or D, or E. C, D, or E could relate to A or B; however, only A or B as applied to the early formula. The subdivision of study is so that the Acolyte can see from al points of view while magehood has to work by a system. Those systems within magehood such as shaman, druid, witch, or occult can have oppositional theologies to that which is magehood in the overall system of that which is magehood, but cannot defy the multi-scope awareness of acolyte based study. Magehood, Magi, Mage, Magus type model systems or other are developed on a sharing of lower or higher ( aka lesser or greater ) education of their prime systems. In service to the will known as acolyte. For they are as a system much higher and more potential accesses to the will of the House. For the acolyte must be like a ghost within their general material beholding to none but the core of their education. Example: Mage – Sun, Moon, Stars. Example: Acolyte – Sun in morning, Sun in afternoon, and Sun at night. Moon in morning, moon in afternoon, and moon at night. Etc. The purpose of the acolyte is to defy reason and to explore the principle behind each object for the greater will of apprentice-hood. For this is the only will they have to be holding to law-wise. For an acolyte’s job is the principle succession of the magehood system to its more defined reasoning ( aka geo-symbolism ) and its general evolution in the will of the ancient cultures and modern representations. For magic within an acolyte system is about its ethereal need and not its physical or primal nature. For an acolyte is not the candle, the flame, or the candle holder but the mirror of these. While magehood is the shadowed example of both sides, the shadow with the mirror and the shadow by the light itself. The system of the acolyte is based in the principles of alchemical nature from vacuum or spatial design to physical matter or universal concepts of our reality. Conceptual physical dynamics, you can go about 1000 ways to bring something into birth, but only a few ways to maintain it.

The Elements:

The elements are a constant guide in any magical system. However they are forces and not physical things. True we see them as physical manifestation of being but our interaction and knowledge of them is based in the ethereal, astral, special, and temporal. For it is here they begin to serve the benefit of mage-craft. For the term craft means to weave or to string together, and in any lesser/lower design it is a simplistic connection. Having to do with mock references to non-symbolic or basic awareness of the heart of the culture/cultural model from which magehood stands exempt. Magehood is the complete elemental awareness of the forces attributed by symbolism. Channeled through different cultures or distinctive cultures that served in reference to said elements or elementals. As a mage we can arbitrarily throw these principles to the side in the higher pursuit of self defining principles of their use within a core based system in lew of the lesser design that houses more theory than example. For a mage, magi, magus in defining your placement as such, you are ever in search of the keys that represent the completion of the elemental powers in all three fields of their being ( mind, body, and spirit ). All must be defined as equal or in the state of creating equality. Otherwise the principle of the magic defined above becomes mute and useless. For in the higher design, the goal of the elemental chain is tri-squared, meaning 3 and 4. Three for yourself, four for your reality. In the acolyte study the elements act as a bridge. Using geo-symbolism the magehood placemat becomes a record of ones developing presence in the universe as they are accepted. It is here we are referred back to that mirror or shadowed image of magehood. In these above, below, within, and around conceptual identities, the acolyte must act as judge. Defining the lesser will, but becoming the critic of the higher will ( as in, where is it going, not where it has been). Only in reference to another acolyte can you define the differences and within the self of that law. The acolyte self is judge, jury, and executioner of the hierarchy towards the greater models of each system. True they have a lot to learn within the art of wizardry, but they are deemed apprentice of every level. They are the hidden voice of why should one be moved into another. Without the referencing to the will of the dragon, for nothing defies the will of the dragon but time. However, as a wizard, you may get leeway. For the dragon is the acolyte’s acolyte.


Rules of the Acolyte defined by Self (These are more attributes than they are rules.)
1. Self sacrifice. An acolyte must look at others as equals toward their own design. An acolyte may not judge unless moving the nature of the person is required.
2. An acolyte must show generosity even when generosity is in short supply.
3. An acolyte must not judge religions or religious thought. Only the theology that holds that thought in place.
4. An acolyte is not to be served by others. Only dragons may serve the acolyte. Acolytes serve others.
5. An acolyte must be generous with knowledge, but hold their horde back against stupidity. For stupidity is the overpowering of ego to express what is not there, not the lack of knowledge.
Life and Death
For the beginning of known creation and the models of self evolution. The principle of the veil between life and death has been maintained and disrupted by those underlying principles of occult theology. For the principles of magehood are about the bardo. It is the mirror of the spirit world looking back upon the traveler within. The education to this world, don’t let it fool you, is vast. As we present ourselves to the world between life and death, speaking in term of magehood, mage, magi, magus, magiestery we learn to harness our emotions, mental states, an hypnotic connections to the mental bridge. For unless you are afflicted with the world of the dead at mental bridge. For unless you are afflicted with the world of the dead at your shoulders, in magehood we fight our way in. For we are not merely just observers, but travelers within this empty madness. For unlike the others who will not experience the full magnitude of this world, we within our scope of discover map its very matrix. Don’t let anything fool you, for it is an empty world of enticing empty splendor, and your very body will cheat life in order to go there. But that’s the trap, that’s the hold of the invisible tentacle that snares your living soul. In this world you are merely an observer, you may do what you like, however it may not have any effect on the changes of time and space. For it is a veil behind a veil. Only behind the second veil will you start to see what I mean. Respect your journey, respect your right to be there, humble yourself before death itself, and you may earn a friend instead of an enemy. Death is no one’s enemy, even if he says he is. He is only testing your resolve, because with his friendship and connections in that world we can make changes in our physical world. Giving opportunity where others would not have opportunity, and paying back unjust acts. For death is in-discriminative, but by the forces around you, makes you a bit more difficult to be indiscriminate to. Then he will be decisive instead of in-discriminative. In magic there is a such thing as the bridge of immortality. However the goal of such a glory involves giving up of one’s true identity.
Within the lesser designs, life and death for the these models (druid, shaman, witch, etc.) is about exploring it in reference to the living. Creating a mirror but not transcending it. Celebrating the power and beauty of all existence as it lives, passes on knowledge, and dies. By the will of that which is the greater designs will the shaman, druid, witch gain a sense of immortality. Or serve in the back pocket of a greater deity or being. It is true you can take from spatial beings, copy their magic, their power, their abilities to do things unhuman-like. However it will never be in master and slave format. For any service to something ethereal, cosmic, or other is a personal acceptance before your even accepted. You are inflicted with dreams, thoughts, conscious awareness, and visitors of the shadow world about. For it is the mirror of this world that is calling to you, as a practitioner of all of the traits we have discussed (magic, elements, and self). In such lesser designs, lesser by no means meaning limited, it is only restricted for a bit until a consciousness or skills have been built. Like building a train set: tracks, train, buildings, then forgetting the electricity or battery or other mans of making the system motive. For the lesser design is about observation, not participation. It is an infliction that draws the person or element into action. For anything that is made on a physical level, wither it is symbolically charged or not sends ripples into the higher designs to ask why.


The essence of awareness in the form of awakening. Being is not be-ing. It is beginning in how to be. When anything begins it has to have a blueprint, a model a design a proto-type. This is achieved by the unseen will, to identify itself as a certain standard by an educated sense of genius or ingenuity. In ancient times, one was chosen their profession. You did not have a choice, and your name went accordingly. As one became more capable in said trade, not necessarily the one they were born, their value changes. This is the understanding of potential nature. In magic we all seek our potential nature, not our birth nature. It is here we are reborn into the world that will be our potential. For being means to apply, to supplement one’s self to. A thousand years could pass and you would be no smarter than a grain of corn. But give a different location you could rule the world in a day. Others think this is born into them, others meaning outsiders who disagree with magical applications. For they are too busy living in the accolades of what they think they know verses what they could know. Leave these people to their own devices, for they will never become, until they’re touched by that dream. As a mage you are not here to recruit others or teach others the way of the art, unless their scope pierces that mirror. You are to accept criticism, theology, sciences, an laugh in their face. For you are the potential and not the being as in birth right. Time will prove you true, and them lost. Which is greater, the word or the maker of the word. The answer is obvious, the creator of something can never own its creation, there will always be something or someone that has outreached the pattern that has been created. True something had to create the word but what if I told you the word was in response to a grander word that has already been there, just assimilated differently. Magehood is about tapping into that ancient word, and seeing the wizard behind the veil. Because even if you disagree with their methods, conscious values, image, they are the first of the first. And as long as time is counted, they will be the last of the last. An ancient saying goes, “Truth is subjective, when it has nothing to be measured by.” Interpretation: debate. Truth is only subjective when it has nothing to be measured by. For it is here we begin to validate purpose. Magical systems are indeterminate of psychological, theological questioning. For any form of education must have a standard reference. Psychology, theology, and debate are self defining individualism because they can’t handle the fear of being intolerant. For as a being, our goal in life is subjected by the will around us. Mental intellectualism and freedoms of self genius without the regard to the scope of ancient wisdom creates potential morons out of self made gods. There is another old saying, “Those that don’t learn from the past are thereby made to recreate it.” This is one of the highest models of intuitive magehood thinking. True we can not think like another automatically, but that doesn’t mean energy based communication does not perform its task in revealing the core source of one’s potential being.

Utilizing what you just learned, the lesser design or lower design is inherent in trying to produce the potential being from the blood born being to cultivate its altruistic nature and not its sides. Mind you this is done still in a fact finding and a personal matter without regard to full emotional persuasion or permissiveness. For it is the goal of the lesser design to bend, but not in the sacrifice of individual reality or consciousness. It chooses the role of guide to serve as an example of what is possible. In an act of a reality based experiment, for its systems of being. The lesser is to absorb from the higher design or greater to teach itself. In the sense of being no lesser or higher design is greater, though you could debate that until the cows come home. Its all in one’s sense of gravitation and self permissive nature to be giving to one’s self the right to study either way or a third known as both. For as above is the mirror of as below. As below the mirror of as above. As within the mirror as without. To study its mirror is to gain its reality. (Example: Study as below and gain as above. Study as above and gain as below, etc and visa versa.) For it is a water like complement or reflective surface which our whole being is aware of. But our unconscious ego prefers to touch first.

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