Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Quidditch the Mortal/Muggle Game of Occult Ceremonial Arts

As most will find Magic(k) always finds a Way...

On Colleges and Campus's around the world they are playing the game of Rough Cut, better known as Muggle Quidditch....

Is Quidditch a real game of Ancient Mindsets, no... but Rough Cut was... is... but lets stick to Quidditch awareness shall we.....

First of all i want to say it is a great game, second i want to say there is more to it then will ever meet the eye, and i feel in the year 2014-19 it could become a very futuristic sport... (volley) any

--------------------------------------------------quidditch, the secrets...

I believe she made up the name, its not a real sport in any time, and as a wizard i would know our games.... quid (is money) and ditch (a place to play/ pitch) the art of quidditch is played like the art of ceremonial magick... (broom (thats merely a witch imagery, but for us wizards just say conveyance) the broom is like a sword and used as a jousting tool "in witchcraft ..a real design, women and men put the reversed handle of a broom under them and rode around in a circle, ..remember the "toy horse",

as knights of old... ok, now on to the better stuff... reversed again it becomes a sword for the knight to wield... while trying to capture a prize (a person riding this horse with sword in hand, can then collect and protect the treasure (the scoring ball quaffle ) i think she got this word as well from "waffling" in quidditch (qu-affle) ok, with the scoring device you now can make your move beyond the knight of the other team, (the scoring rings) are the 3 ceremonial arts of magick... and how you score is how your aware of your art... "hows that for slick awareness.." now the blugger is the invisible unseen coming to knock you from the target, no need to help you understand that "to death" usually follows that (ok, now the final... the golden snitch) in ancient terms thats a cheat... to "snitch" and golden means your good at it... (and if you get bonus's in any game, without trying hard, your cheating right?)

What if i told you i could make a broom stick that you could play it like the movie and not have to touch the ground...

Ah, the beaters " Well now... " the beaters are protective guardians determined to help you get your goal done, ever hear of guardian angels....

Welcome to the world of ceremonial a sport....
Enjoy the Ride,

As you get into the higher designs you will find.................................that it isn't a horse no more...

but a DRAGON (click on the image to learn)